Today room7 had a Ripper Rugby session.Our coach’s name is Matt he is from Varsity club it’s a rugby club.He is the one that goes around the schools and gives sign up for Varsity rugby team.
We had our Ripper Rugby on the field when we got there he started to talk about himself like his name and what he does.
After he was done he told us to hop in the box and he started to talk to us about a game called ball tag he show us how to play then he gave Mafoa and Mata the two balls.
We had three rounds then after that we went and standard
behind the cones. When we did that he gave Dallas the ball and we did passing he told us about pass to the target and be behind the passer and communicate with each other.
After we did that he told us to get a Ripper belt and a ripper tag after we all got one we had to line up in a line next to the goal post then he said who wants to be in. Taki volunteered to be in.
When we got everyone he told us to take of the ripper tags and ripper belts and put them back in the bag then we got in a circle and he ask us what we learnt.Then we got in a line a headed back to class.
I was felt excited that we got to play Ripper Rugby because it’s one of favourite sports and we got to play Bull Rush that's one of my favourite games.
Here is a photo of us doing the passing drill